Brilliant Beauty offers a wide choice of services, from permanent make-up to pedicures, manicures, eyelash extensions and many more.

 You will discover the complete list of services offered below.

Online booking: 





permanente make-up


wenkbrouwen / sourcils


powder brows (1 retouche inclus)                                                      295 euro



microblading / nano brows (1 retouche inclus)                              295 euro


microblading suivi


jusque 10 mois                                                                                    170 euro


jusque 18 mois                                                                                    200 euro



microblading + shading / combi nano et powder                              350 euro

(1 retouche inclus)                                                                                 


Microblading + shading / combi nano et powder - suivi


jusque / tot 10 mois/maand                                                            190 euro                                                                                                     


jusque / tot 18 mois/maand                                                            280 euro



lippen / lèvres


full lips kleuren ( retouche inclus)                                                   350 euro


full lips kleuren - suivi


après 1 an                                                                                            220 euro


aquarelle lips ( retouche inclus)                                                        300 euro


aquarelle lips - suivi                                                                              


après 1 an                                                                                            180 euro


eye liner


eye liner onder / inférieur (retouches inclus)                                175 euro


eye liner boven / supérieur (retouches inclus)                                200 euro


eye liner - shadow liner                                                                         280 euro


eye liner – suivi


après 10 mois                                                              a partir de     175 euro






bB glow (met/avec extra serum) – 1 beurt / 1 séance                     110 euro


microneedling – 1 beurt / 1 séance                                                      110 euro


Microneedling – 6 beurten / 6 séances (1 uur / 1 heure)                 550 euro


plasma lift iN FUNCTIE VAN DE WERKZONE                                             100-200 euro














acryl / gel


1e set met verlenging                                                                       55 euro


bijwerking                                                                                           45 euro







Gelish                                                                             30 euro


extra babyboom                                                                                         3 euro





nailart / swarovski / glinsters / …                                             


een supplement zal aangerekend worden afhankelijk van tijd en gebruikte producten / Un supplémént sera facturé selon le materiel utilisé et/ou la durée supplémentaire







BASIC / basis


lash lifting (kleur incl / couleur inclus)                                         50 euro


mega volume 1e pose / 1e set                                                                  95 euro


volume russe 1e pose / 1e set                                                                85 euro


1/1 1e pose / 1/1 1e set                                                                            75 euro


henna brows - shaping                                                                            20 euro




retouches / bijwerkingen


meGa volume 2 semaines / weken                                                           50 euro


mega volume 3 semaines / weken                                                           65 euro


mega volume 4 semaines / weken                                                           80 euro


volume russe 2 semaines / 2 weken                                                       45 euro


volume russe 3 semaines / 3 weken                                                       55 euro


volume russe 4 semaines / 4 weken                                                       65 euro


1/1 - 2 semaines / 1/1 2 weken                                                                 30 euro


1/1 - 3 semaines / 1/1 3 weken                                                                 45 euro


1/1 - 4 semaines / 1/1 4 weken                                                                 55 euro









verzorging - ontharing


épilations /ontharing


ontharing 4 zones / épilation 4 zones - sugarwax                          65 euro




bikini lijn                                                                                             17 euro


grote bikini / échancré                                                                   20 euro


brazilian / ticket de métro                                                             27 euro


full / intégral                                                                                   35 euro


buik / ventre                                                                                      17 euro


armen tot elleboog / bras                                                             15 euro


oksels / aisselles                                                                               15 euro


supplément sugerwax                                                                       05 euro





onderbenen / inférieur                                                                    18 euro


bovenbenen / suppérieur                                                                 18 euro


boven en onder / inférieur et suppérieur                                   30 euro


gelaat / visage


Gelaat / visage                                                                                   17 euro


kin / menton                                                                                        07 euro


bovenlip / lèvre supp                                                                        07 euro


wenkbrauwen / sourcils (gratis kleur)                                       10 euro








teen gelish / gelish orteils                                                                   25 euro


medische pedicure / médicale                                                                 30 euro


pedi + extra eelt / pedi + extra corne                                                 40 euro


pedi + gelish                                                                                               55 euro